
FabriChem - Sour-Soft


pH Neutralizer with Softener

Super-concentrated premium fabric softener combined with a powerful sour for outstanding results in institutional and industrial on-premise laundries. Provides outstanding neutralizing characteristics against alkaline, hard water and chlorine residues while imparting a soft, silky finish on all types of fabric. Contains inhibitors for reduced yellowing caused by iron deposition in hard water areas. Restores the natural pH of cotton, synthetics and most other fabrics. Reduces drying time, improves the efficiency of ironing and helps eliminate static cling.

FC55215 2x1.5 gal. case
FC55015 15 gal. drum
FC55055 55 gal. drum
1.800.672.4065 |
4701 W. 136th St. Crestwood, IL 60418

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